Annual Torture Playlist Challenge

Submit your songs for the Annual torture playlist. We want songs that you think the world didn’t give a chance, but you love.


Music SO awful, you’ll get some sadistic pleasure in knowing
a whole community of willing victims will be foolishly subjected to an entire month of your carefully handcrafted trash.

Nicholas Mercier Coulombe

He is a writer, father, and educator from Pownal, Maine. he has spent his formative years working in fields such as, Senior care, hospice, dementia, children and adults with intellectual disabilities or autism, substitute teaching, and as an Ed-tech II with his earned Associates's degree in the Science of Education.

his work has been included in publications such as "The Poets of Maine", "The West End", "GOOD FAT Poetry Zine".

Nicholas invites you to request his work for your upcoming publications, projects featured readings.